Recent publications linked to project
Hess K and Waller, L (2020) 'Local Journalism In Australia: Policy debates', in Agnes Gulyas and David Baines (Eds) The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, Routledge: London.
Hess K and Waller L (2020) 'Charting the media innovations landscape for regional and rural newspapers', Australian Journalism Review, 42(1):59-75(17).
Hess K and Waller L (2020) 'Moral compass: How a small-town newspaper used silence in a hyper-charged controversy', Journalism, 21(4), 574-590.
Hess K and Waller L (2021) 'Local newspapers and coronavirus: conceptualising connections, comparisons and cures', Media International Australia, 178(1):21–35.
Hess K, Waller L, Blakston A and Lai J (2021) Local newspaper audience survey: National Report 2021.
Hess K, Waller L, Blakston A and Lai J (2021) Exploring the Social: A report on Facebook users who don't read local newspapers.
McAdam A and Hess, K (2022) 'Outdated or innovative? Examining news practices that have stood the test of time at one of Australia’s longest-serving local newspapers', Media International Australia, (first published June 2022), https://doi.org/10.1177/1329878X221104851.
McAdam A and Hess K (2022) 'Navigating the terrain: A typology of mapping in journalism studies': Communication Research and Practice, (accepted October 2022).
Hess, K, Waller, L and Lai, J (2022) 'Examining audience perspectives on local newspaper futures', Journalism, (first published October 21, 2022).
Hess, K and Waller, L (2022) 'Bargaining with local journalism's future', in Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, S Allan (ed). Routledge: London.
Gulyas, A and Hess K (2023), Guest editor, special issue 'Disrupting and resettling the local' in Digital Journalism, (in press).
Hess K and McAdam A (2023) 'Exploring news gaps through degradation, cultivation and renewal'. Invitation to contribute chapter to Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism.
Hess K and Gulyas A (2023) 'Media deregulation', in Encyclopaedia of Political Communication, Edward Elgar Publishing, A Nai (ed).